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RealTracks Artist Bio: Randy Kohrs

Randy Kohrs was taught guitar by his uncle Jack in Iowa at the age of 8. A few short years later, he was working with multiple local bands, and soon thereafter became a front man himself. His career told a turn in 1997 when, after hearing him perform only once, bluegrass master David Parmley asked Randy to join his band. He performed, both as a dobro player and as a vocalist, with David for two years, eventually recording on the album "Feel Good Day", which made it to the Top 5 on the bluegrass charts, and the Top 20 on the Americana charts.

Since that time, Randy has continued to record and perform with the likes of Dolly Parton, Holly Dunn, and more. In addition to guitar and dobro, randy is also a master on the mandolin, banjo, pedal steel, bass, and electric guitar. He has released several solo albums, and continues to work as a performer, studio musician, and producer.

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