A Build 5 Update is available for PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2024

Download the build 5 update

Release Notes [Build 5] (April 12, 2024)
  • Fixed: Default measure offset setting wasn't visible in the General Preferences dialog. As a result, it was always resulting in a default Measure Offset of zero. You can now change it to -2 if you want a two bar lead-in before measure 1.
  • Fixed: Frozen utility tracks were not loading into PT when loading in an MGU/SGU
  • Fixed: if a song had key sig changes, then the key sig change could overwrite notes on the Lead Sheet or in printout or print preview.
  • Fixed: key sig changes could show up when there is drum notation
  • Fixed: The Send Realtime Messages setting in Preferences - MIDI - MIDI Out wasn't being saved when exiting PowerTracks.
  • Fixed: In the Print Preview window, the width/height that you select for the saved image(s) was affecting the display within the preview window itself
  • Fixed: "Print to PDF" now defaults to Microsoft Print to PDF driver, which fixes certain issues such as the title area sometimes not displaying the correct fonts.
  • Fixed: When saving a range of Print Preview images to disk, PowerTracks will now let you choose the target folder.
  • Fixed: In the Print Preview window, Saving to PNG or TIF format wasn't working
  • Fixed: access violation when loading in an SGU
  • Fixed: When loading in an MGU/SGU that had regular audio (non-RT audio) on Utility Track(s) PowerTracks wasn't loading in the .WAV files.
  • Fixed: when inserting a track, removing a track, or swapping tracks, the BankLSB setting would not be set correctly
  • Fixed: Part Markers might not be loaded in correctly if loading in an MGU/SGU that was saved by BBW that had repeats.
  • Fixed: Chords weren't being loaded in correctly if loading in an MGU/SGU that was saved by BBW that had repeats
  • Fixed: When using the Edit - MIDI - Split MIDI Drums command, an access violation would occur
  • Fixed: When using the "R" hotkey in editable notation to insert a rest, the rest might be inserted on the wrong clef.
  • Fixed: Left-Clicking on the number field in the mixer to select a track would cause the pop-up menu to pop-up.
  • Fixed: Undo for generation of RealDrums did not work
  • Fixed: when using the right-click "Copy/Move highlighted area of current track to another track" command, and there was already data on that area of destination track, the dialog that gives you a choice of overwriting/merging/canceling had blank text.
  • Fixed: A warning message, and an option to not load in a BB file (e.g. MGU or SGU), if PT determines it might not actually be a BB file.
  • Fixed: Notation Window - Right Click -Vocal Synth...(auto) was not working correctly

Release Notes [Build 3] (Jan 4, 2024)

  • FIXED - When UseElastique is unchecked and time stretching or pitch shifting was enabled, the audio was severely distorted
  • FIXED - a few additional language strings added to the resource file
  • FIXED - Expired program error.

PG Music Inc.