Originally Posted by Rustyspoon#
Well, Q6 proves my point.
There's nothing better than BIAB for traditional electric / acoustic genres for the Q5 item.

"how many people out there making music in a DAW even know about Biab and the BBPlugin
Just about every demo or tutorial of "making beats" seems to use loops or samples in a DAW, cut, sliced, quantised, compressed to death and so on. The complete antithesis of what BIAB is about.

But I think the days of that may be passing ... quite a lot of what's now played on the radio is much less techno/robotic and much more human and expressive. I think that's encouraging.

To reach the younger audience, perhaps what's needed is for one/some of the EDM producers to get into BIAB and make some demos/tutorials to which younger people can relate, rather like Henry Clark does for we of more advanced years. Perhaps showing how the BBPlugin can work alongside the loops/samples/slicing methods?

People on these fora have produced EDM demos, often apparently quite quickly :D, and seem to have convinced, e.g., swingbabymix that it works. SBMs posts now are mostly for ideas suggestions or "help, I can't find a style like this...". It's perhaps a pity that SBM doesn't have English.

The Answer 6 software ... they're none comparable to BIAB's performance quality, though they can still be useful. For me, an attraction is that of them, only one (ChordPulse) is not available foe Linux. I notice the AI didn't mention that MMA is a command-line program. laugh

Jazz relative beginner, starting at a much older age than was helpful.
Kawai MP6, Korg M50, Ui24R, Saffire Pro 40.
AVL:MXE Linux; Windows 11; Win8.1: Scarletts
BIAB2022 UltraPAK, Reaper, a bunch of stuff.