Rharv and Brian.

your replys are much appreciated.
i dream of how to get classic rock tones
in my sleep...drives my wife nuts...lol.


i would probably just rent the gear as and when i needed it if high priced gear was used to get that classic tone.
a trick i saw once in a studio was to put the electric guitar through a bass amp with a few pedals. ive seen some really funky stuff in studios...lol.


thats highly weird you mentioned the tonex cos just today i was looking at that product on you tube...honestly..
as well as ik's axe interfaces.
the problem ive found with lots of the modern stuff...and dont get me wrong..
but when i'm like a mad professor creating songs fast as the song ideas come flowing fast...ive found going through lots of menus that i find so many tones i like its difficult to make a decision. for example some of the modern guitar products that offer thousands of guitar tones/settings require an app on a cellphone.
a nice idea but with my vision (now better after eye surgery) i find i get tired easily. it would be great if i could...like the pg picker just enter a classic rock song name...and there it is...the classic rock tone and me drooling with a big smile on my face...lol.

the other thing i'm carefull of is some modern products ive tried try to control the user which drives me nuts..etc etc.
thanks i'm gonna investigate tonex more.



ps mario...thanks. nice to hear from you.
your songs are genius....i will investigate the freebies
further from ik.

Last edited by justanoldmuso; 04/15/24 05:29 PM.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)