Yes indeed. I've shared this with a few folks here in this forum on the phone, and the more people I talk to about this the more I'm finding out I'm not alone....either in the surgery and it's results, or in the symptoms that get ignored that preceded and led up to this point that were a daily thing for many years. I'm not going to go into the details and symptoms..... a quick google search of reputable sites will tell you everything you ever need to know. All I can say is this..... if it's describing you on those sites.... seek professional medical attention while it's still a minor inconvenience.

So I'll just put this out there.... I had surgery that is commonly called TURP. Short for Trans Urethal Resection Prostatectomy. Coring out the prostate from the inside out. It's not as bad as it sounds. It's the gold standard surgical treatment and highly successful. It's the go-to for old guys like me whose prostate has become enlarged to the point of causing problems. It's the solution when everything else has failed to provide relief or waiting too long to seek medical help for the problems.

If you are an old guy ....50+ and having problems, my unprofessional advice is to go see your urologist. Don't try to put it off, oh it'll get better..... it won't.... and then one day...or night like me, you'll find yourself in a really bad, painful situation and needing the emergency room. Things get real...... real fast, at 3am when you can't pee and you really, really need to go.

For me, it's mostly behind me now and looking forward to getting things back to normal. I'm still in the recovery stage, and will be for a few more weeks.

Don't ignore your health thinking things are going to get better on their own. Oh yeah and one more thing..... if you fit into this category.... be very very cautious about using over the counter antihistamine cold and flu medications. They can trigger things that you don't want triggered regarding this topic. Again, that info is on the reputable sites as well.

Stay healthy and lets write and record some new music.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.