Hey y'all!

I'm messing around with Bluegrass in the Backw00ds and having trouble getting the five Dm Shots.

Using style: _BLUGRM8.STYBluegrss 8ths-260 Mando

I currently have this song set up at 260 BPM 4/4 time Sig (have also tried it in 2/4). I've configured the five shots as two bars of 4/4 and one bar of 1/4. My song repeats three times and the first and third time through BAIB plays five shots but there is still an extra beat in the bar of 1/4 so there is an unwanted gap in the song. Strangely, in only the second repeat BAIB plays only 4 shots and omits the bar of 1/4 entirely.

In order to get the bar of 1/4 I am using this path: Right click on the bar/Bar Settings/# of beats this bar = 1/OK.

Also finding that the black cursor gets out of sync as soon as the bar of 1/4 is played the first time and then gets more out of sync with each repeat.

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!


MacBook Pro M3 Max Sonoma 14.1.2, BIAB Audiophile Edition 2023, Logic ProX 10.8.1, Focusrite 8PreX Interface.