songs like this tend to get lambasted as annoying, grating like fingernails on a chalkboard, and generally less than stellar in so many ways. One thing remains. It was popular enough to hit the top of the charts, and stay there for a few weeks and become a standard.

However, as a songwriter, I would love to have written such a song that got to the top of the charts. Other such songs that kinda fit into this category include, but are not limited to: Elvira, Swinging, Achy Breaky Heart, Free Bird, Rocky Top, and practically every kids song ever written. Aside from the kids songs.... those ones I listed were requested every single night the bands I played in were on stage. People love those songs. We'd simply grin, bear it, and count it off.

Oh yeah... Grandma got run over by a reindeer. I had a co-worker once tell me when he heard the song on a radio in the shop, knowing that I was a musician and a songwriter, decided to insult me.... he said... "that song sounds like something you would write".... to which I simply replied... If I had written that I wouldn't be working here, I'd be sipping a cool drink on my yacht. Shut him up quickly.

Interestingly, I would not put Afternoon Delight in the "worst song" category. It was typical of the songs of it's time. I played in a band that opened for Bill Anderson. His backup band came out and played before he came on, and this was one of the songs they played.... along with The Door Is Always Open ( Dave & Sugar) .... they had really really good, tight vocal harmonies. Rumor was that Bill was a bit inebriated and needed some time to get ready to do the show..... He did a good job once he got on the stage.

Last edited by Guitarhacker; 10/04/23 04:39 AM.

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