thought i'd give the halion sonic se (yes I know its the free version) another go after all the discussions. i have been using the standalone version with the GM set selected in options.

i also thought i'd update it which i did. but the audio port now says not connected and i can't select my speakers as i have in the past- the audigy fx. it just says 'not connected' and there is no option showing for me to connect to, so no sound.

however............when i plug a usb headset in it shows up as an output and i can select it and get sound. the speakers work fine on audacity, BIAB, RB and a multitude of windows programs that play sound and vision.

i tried selecting and deselecting the sound card in control panel but that didn't help. and ticking and unticking the exclusive box. any suggestions?

i note that steinberg say halion sonic se has been superseded by halion 7 but that says it comes with no content. my halion sonic se has a GM set builtin - where did it come from and would it carry over to halion sonic 7?

Last edited by Bob Calver; 05/10/23 05:05 AM.