I posted this way long ago here. I’ve been having a huge issue for while where I cannot write on my Mac compatible external hard drives any more. I think every hard drive is read only with the exception being my BIAB hard drive. My BIAB drive switch to being a host for a software to help recover files from other drives and a regular hard drive. I can no longer use BIAB with it. I don’t know what has happened but I will be taking my Mac to get fixed and find out the issue. If any other Mac owner has had this issue let me know. My Mac is a 2014 MacBook Pro and I am not willing to replace it if I don’t have to. New ones are expensive and the switch to new connector ports and USB-C charging seems like they made the news one easier to break.

Computer: Macbook Pro, 16 inch 2021
DAWs: Pro Tools, Logic, and Maschine
plays drums, percussion, bass, steel pan, keyboard,
music producer/engineer