Hi Guys and Gals!
I should probably know this, but I don't, or I've forgotten. I've got a chord progression laid out, and a backing track for it. I haven't put down the melody yet, but I know the lyrics to the song.

SO, what I want to do is put the lyrics in before I put in the melody. This may be a bass-ackwards way of doing it, and may not even be possible. But, I'd like to get the lyrics on the stave, not above it, in notation view.

Do we have a video on adding lyrics? I didn't see one, but maybe I missed it somewhere.

Anyone who can help, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.


I'm blessed watching God do what He does best. I've had a few rough years, and I'm still not back to where I want to be, but I'm on the way and things are looking far better now than what they were!