Pipes, you are right about all of that. It should have cooked longer. It should have been made closer to industry standards. You are also right about the fact I agreed with you 1000% at that point. What I agree with now is that it has obviously struggled. But there have been times where it was pretty darn stable then an added feature blew it up again. Why I ask? Well the answer lies in things both you and I have discussed in the past.

This product (BiaB) was built decades ago with old legacy code. It has been updated patched added to for decades. It seems obvious just how close to broken or easy to break this old code is. To PGs credit they know their product, get it fixed. People keep pushing for new things, many that actually are good ideas. The problem is that until this software gets a major code upgrade continually adding feature just breaks existing ones.

So while you view me and a few others as “old guard” or whatever, we actually want the same thing. We want all of this to function at a high level. So I propose we all join forces as a team. You keep coming up with awesome ideas for PG to consider and I’ll keep reminding them to stabilize the current features. Together we along with many others here can enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Hopefully we can encourage Peter and his excellent team to take a look at a modern code rewrite with the focus on ARA2 plugin protocol. Imagine if the plugin, with many of your great ideas, interacted with the DAW much like Melodyne. Sharing chord/key/etc data seamlessly.

I have seen BiaB, RB, and the plugin flip flop from stable to unstable multiple times. I also recognize that While this is happening regular users are trying to use it. So I try to balance the need for improvement with the need for caution and stability.

I hope this explains my view and clears things up. Both viewpoints are vital in my opinion.

Last edited by Rob Helms; 08/28/20 06:11 AM.

Lenovo Win 10 16 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2022, Realband, Harrison Mixbus 32c version 9.1324, Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app, Komplete 49 key controller.