nonchai, let me also make a suggestion. Please carefully read John Fords post. It will help you understand the core differences between the plugin, and BiaB. The render times are actually behind the curtain very similar. Since the plugin waits for the generation to be completed, and BiaB allows the playback to begin while generation continues it gives the impression that it is slower. This is because they were made differently for different reasons.

Both allow for tracks to be completed to create music. BiaB was made to allow the music to be changed and altered quicklly. Keep in mind that drop and drag is a somewhat new feature in Biab. Drop and drag is the whole point in the plugin. Working in the DAW is its only purpose.

Suggestion, when tinkering with a song if want to make small changes like try a different guitar, or add a organ, and such this can be done in the plugin before dragging tracks, and just that track can be generated which is usually much faster. Chord and major structural changes will take longer. If you need to do that use BiaB. If I want to cut on 2x4 I use my skill saw. If I need to cut 100 pieces I get out my Chop saw, set up a stop block and start cutting.

Point being drag and drop was added to BiaB for this reason so folks could tinker and experiment and when they got precisely what they needed drag to DAW. The plugin was created for a different purpose some DAW users that didn’t want to use BiaB, or dig in and learn it, or just wanted to quickly add tracks to the DAW the plugin was created so they would have a tool for that.

I personally have done a ton of testing and multiple songs in the plugin. My usual regeneration time on my old laptop is maybe 2 to 3 minutes sometime 5 for a real big project. I’m not put off with that. Do I wish it was a tad faster, yes. But I can deal with it since I understand what it is doing for me. If I had to generated these same track with several other VSTis it would take far longer than 5 minutes. And if I had to make a change to the track due to added chorus, different chords or the like I would have to make those same changes in several different VSTIs then once again 5 minutes would be a blessing.

I appreciate where your coming from, but respectfully think you are not seeing the big picture. Until the plugin was added this had to be done either in BiaB, or done with various other plugins.

On a side note there are other programs that do the whole thing in one box. Captain chords, scaler, etc. and while they do a decent job, even a good one, they don’t have 10% of the capability of BiaB. Finally this thread was not started to hammer out these type issues but to garner support for the express purpose of encouraging PGM to fix the basic advertised and promised feature bugs in the plugin. We can discuss render times and how to work with that on another thread.

Lenovo Win 10 16 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2022, Realband, Harrison Mixbus 32c version 9.1324, Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app, Komplete 49 key controller.