Endorsing Artists

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Henry Johnson, Jazz guitarist/vocalist, composer, recording artist, and producer

BIAB 2012 has become my new all-round practice and composition tool. The whole concept of being able to type in the chord changes to any song and experiment with the different song styles allows me to find unique arrangements for songs rather quickly now, which is a great aid in producing. But what really amazes me about BIAB 2012 is that I'm using REAL musicians to practice, compose, and play with!
Because of Peter Gannon's ground-breaking RealTracks innovation, BIAB has stepped into a new dimension and does something no other music software can do. I don't travel anywhere without it now. Thanks Peter!  - Henry Johnson

Henry Johnson began playing at age twelve. While spending some formative time in Memphis, he started playing gospel music at age thirteen. By age fourteen, Johnson was playing in R&B groups. He cites the music of Herbie Hancock, Oscar Peterson, Freddie Hubbard, Miles Davis, big bands, and jazz orchestras as integral forces which shaped his sound and style.
Henry Johnson Website

Henry Johnson also has a Video Testimonial.

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