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RealBand® 2019 for Windows® New Features Guide
Details of New Features
- New toolbar background color and icon set
- Notation Window - Space bar to play from the current time location
- Notation Window - Double-click to play from the current time location
- Notation Window - Quick change of the beat resolution
- Notation Window - Easier entry of a note on the stave line
- Notation Window - Clefs split point asterisk
- Notation Window - Spin control to set the clefs split point
- Notation Window - Quick entry of forced accidentals from the right-click menu
- Notation Window - “N” Keystroke Entry Mode
- Tracks Window - Ctrl key to zoom in/out vertically
- Tracks Window - Vertical grid lines drawn on the track overview
- Tracks Window - Snap to grid lines instead of beats
- Audio Edit Window - Vertical grid lines drawn
- Reboot the program with default settings
- Drum Notation Support
- Mixer Window - Ctrl key + moving the volume slide to change the value by 1
- Chords Window - Copy, cut, paste commands in the right-click menu
- Event List Window - Shift-click to extend either the start (From) or end (Thru) of the selected area
- Advanced Filter to Search for RealTracks, RealDrums, and MIDI SuperTracks
- Song Titles Browser Enhancement
- StylePicker - Style rebuild advise within the window
- StylePicker - Progress bar for the style list rebuild
- StylePicker - Filter by specific RT/RD/MST or RT/MT|ST in a range
- StylePicker - Filter by Xtra Styles set
- StylePicker - List all styles in the default display
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News and Notes
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Generate Lyrics for your Band-in-a-Box songs with LyricLab!
Need some lyrics to complete your Band-in-a-Box song? LyricLab is here to help! LyricLab (by Joanne Cooper) is an AI-powered tool designed to quickly create...
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Band-in-a-Box 2024 Italian for Mac is Here!
Ci siamo dati da fare e abbiamo aggiunto oltre 50 nuove funzionalità e una straordinaria raccolta di nuovi contenuti, tra cui 222 RealTracks, nuovi RealStyles,...
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