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Posted By: readybeans Change the tempo in RB - 03/23/24 11:20 PM
i've got the song written and arranged and a mix of RB tracks and recorded vocals and guitars. Now the tempo seems too slow. Will RB process everything if i change the tempo at this point? Or do i have to redo it all from scratch?
Posted By: Bob Calver Re: Change the tempo in RB - 03/23/24 11:55 PM
no you can redo the tempo - within reason - too drastic a change mighr cause distortion and odd noises.. I've done it but can't remember exactly what you have to do - I think you just change the tempo in the tempo setting and RB looks after everything else. not in front of my music computer so can't test but just give it a go by simply changing the tempo. RB will guide you if you have to select certain tracks etc but i don't think you do. bear in mid that depending on how many tracks you have its quite a feat of computing to process everytthing so it may take a while but you'll see everything happening.
Posted By: readybeans Re: Change the tempo in RB - 03/24/24 12:01 AM
thanks Bob. Think i'll clone the whole file and give it a shot. I'll let you know how it takes...
Posted By: readybeans Re: Change the tempo in RB - 03/24/24 12:33 AM
It worked! No blorps or rattling. Thanks again, Bob.
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