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Posted By: Banj O’Lover Lining Up Lyrics With Chords - 12/18/23 12:49 AM
Hi Good People of the forum!

So one of my pet peeves with lyrics and chord charts in general is when the sylables and or words don't line up with the chord change where they actually occur in time.

BIAB seems to be able to put the lyrics in the right bar easily enough but I've tried to line the words up with the appropriate chord change in a given bar by spacing them out so they appear right above then chord ........with bad results when trying to print or scroll lyrics.

Is there a way to do this or should I just get over it?


Are you entering lyrics into the Bar Lyrics layer or into the Notation window?
Posted By: Rob Helms Re: Lining Up Lyrics With Chords - 12/21/23 03:43 AM
What Chantelle is asking regards the notation window. It is easier to add there, but i almost never have notation. So, i use the bar-based entry. One thing for sure. it is a challenge, but with a bit of practice it can work pretty well.
Posted By: Banj O’Lover Re: Lining Up Lyrics With Chords - 12/21/23 03:48 AM
HI Chantella, I'm using the Bar Lyrics layer.
Posted By: Banj O’Lover Re: Lining Up Lyrics With Chords - 12/21/23 03:49 AM
Same here... I think...

I am new to BIAB but I don't see myself gravitating towards notation.
Posted By: Rob Helms Re: Lining Up Lyrics With Chords - 12/22/23 02:09 PM
The notation is frustrating to me i always use bar based. After using it a while you start to see where you need to place and space the words to get a better result. It will get easier to use. It will never be perfect but still you can get good results. I try to think about the beats and rhythm of the song and locate the words accordingly.
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