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Posted By: Planobilly Soundcloud issues - 02/01/23 11:13 AM
After about three weeks of communicating with Soundcloud, I am finally able to get into both of my accounts.

One of the accounts I have had for at least 13 or 14 years. The other for perhaps 7 years. I wanted two accounts to be able to separate different types of recordings.

I guess many companies are having longer response times to request technical help. I also can not be logged into both accounts at the same time. They are under separate email accounts.

I would like to know when I post a link here to my "Pro" SoundCloud account if you are subject to having to put up with the advertisements.

Here is a test link to try.



Posted By: sslechta Re: Soundcloud issues - 02/01/23 11:21 AM
I circled ad stuff in red.......

Attached picture Untitled.jpg
Posted By: Planobilly Re: Soundcloud issues - 02/01/23 11:28 AM
Thanks for the help, Steve. I was signed out when you went there. Let's try this again with me being signed in to the account and see what the results will be.

Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Soundcloud issues - 02/01/23 11:32 AM
I see what Steve saw.
Posted By: Gordon Scott Re: Soundcloud issues - 02/01/23 11:51 AM
Originally Posted By: Planobilly
I also can not be logged into both accounts at the same time. They are under separate email accounts.

If that's an issue, you might try two different browsers, one account on each. I sometimes have Firefox on one screen and Chromium on another.
Posted By: Mark Hayes Re: Soundcloud issues - 02/01/23 12:01 PM
No ads on my iPad in either Safari or the SoundCloud app. I have a paying account.
Posted By: Planobilly Re: Soundcloud issues - 02/01/23 12:14 PM
Thanks, Gordon, That idea of using two different browsers worked for me.

Mark, the way SoundCloud works has been a mystery to me from day one. I don't have any issue with ads on a free account but to pay $100 plus a year and also have ads is unacceptable.

Before I pay for another Pro account, I want to make sure I understand what I am getting.

Posted By: sslechta Re: Soundcloud issues - 02/01/23 12:30 PM
I got the same thing Billy. It shouldn't matter how you are logged in when I view the page. I would assume it depends on the visitor to the page and what account they have. I just hit your page while I'm not logged in.
Posted By: Planobilly Re: Soundcloud issues - 02/01/23 12:38 PM
Ok, that sort of makes sense. If you don't want to see ads get a paid account.

I would prefer to have an ad-free account for everyone who visits my site. The visual ads are not so bad but having an audio-visual commercial that plays before you can hear the track really sucks.

I have seen that when I did not have a Pro account. I am not sure what the case will be now.

Posted By: etcjoe Re: Soundcloud issues - 02/01/23 05:37 PM
Originally Posted By: Planobilly
Ok, that sort of makes sense. If you don't want to see ads get a paid account.

I would prefer to have an ad-free account for everyone who visits my site. The visual ads are not so bad but having an audio-visual commercial that plays before you can hear the track really sucks.

I have seen that when I did not have a Pro account. I am not sure what the case will be now.


Yep, Billy, the ads show for people who do not have a paid account. It really has nothing to do with your account. It is just like YouTube. If you are a subscriber, you get to watch videos without ads. YouTube Premium I think they call it. I get that because I am a What used to be called Google Play Music subscriber and is now YouTube Music Premium, but it all the same thing. Anyway, that is the answer. Your status does not affect any visitors to your site, it is their status that matters.
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