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I'm rather curious as much as anything about usertracks, and think I could come up with some interesting ones using some VSTs that I have. So I tried one, but when the track was inserted in a simple song, that track had a loud constant static sound. So I tried boiling it down to a very simple process and got the same results. Here's what I did, all in a folder under the RealTracks/UserTracks folder as reqired:

1. Loaded the Song_1m_Jazz_1.SGU file and generated the song.
2. Copied the Guitar track to the Audio track (using the new Copy/Move tracks). Now playing back either the guitar real track or the Audio track sound essentially the same.
3. Saved the SGU file, which gives me the .wav file required.
4. Exited and reentered BiaB, which gives me the default song with just a C chord. Plays fine.
5. Added my user track to the Strings track. Incidentally, previewing the Usertrack the guitar playback sounds fine.
6. Generate the song. What results for that track is a lot of noise - peaking the VU meter on that track, so I have to turn it way down. I can discern some sense of the first beat of the measure, but overall it's just a mix of distortion and static.

Anyone done usertracks lately, or have any suggestions. I have some other usertracks that I've found that work fine.
"3. Saved the SGU file, which gives me the .wav file required."
is Biab saving it to a 32bit wav ????
if it is create a 44.1khz 16bit for the usertrack wav.
That was it! Thanks, Pipeline. Actually my first attempt - using a vibes VST and some MIDI from a pro - sounds pretty good for starters - just need to figure out how to handle some syncopation across measures and chord boundaries.
Remember you have F5 > UserTrack Development settings, it's a bit deep in the dialogs, they should of made it a floating dialog so you can access and play from different sections of the track as you set what they are in the dialog. A lot of dialogs don't let you access the main app while they are open so you need to go in n out. The UserTrack Development are a pain to get in n out of.
You can also create a copy of the wav & SGU for less chance of it over transposing when you use short templates.
Yes, I plan to dig into that dialog now that I have my head around things just enough to be dangerous. What do you mean by needing to copy the wave/sgu? I figured that with using a VST I would just generate waves and chord charts up/down to cover most keys.
If you don't have a lot of material you can create a copy
Jazz Rhythm Guitar Sw 140.SGU
Jazz Rhythm Guitar Sw 140.wav

Jazz Rhythm Guitar Sw 140 2.SGU
Jazz Rhythm Guitar Sw 140 2.wav

this way rather than transposing chords in one it will just use the chord from another, thinking it is different material to give more variation.
If you are using a VSTi that works from chord input you can drag the C7 button (right click settings) out of the BBPlugin or BBPlugin Standalone and it will give the held midi chords and chord maker names, this can be used to drive many VSTi to follow that UT key template.
You need holds also

Ah - interesting. I see what you mean.
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