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Posted By: WaoBand Zuzu - 04/28/24 12:59 PM
When I first created the chord structure for this instrumental my plan was to compose a sequel to my "Quan Yin", but while the idea worked it lacked any oomph, so I abandoned that plan and decided to use totally different instrumentation and make a solid rock track dedicated to my CGI/3D character, Zuzu, as my other favourites, Deya, Venus and Aya have all had titles named after them. Once I had a very solid rhythm section arranged with a total of 6 rhythm guitars in the mix by the time it plays through to the 3rd of 3 cycles I intended to use 3 completely different solo instruments, but just to see how the original 3 from the no-oomph original mix worked - tin whistle, tenor sax and dizi flute - I tried them and to my total surprise they worked perfectly, so I've left them in. Though I've also created a 2nd version with more traditional rock instrument solos and I'll likely post that in a couple of weeks.

Re the video, I've reused images featuring Zuzu from my "Agent o-oh-Oh-OH=wAo=!" and "Aurora V1: Night Turns Into Gold" instrumentals, though it starts with some never previously used ones.

1st & 2nd rhythm guitars: Jovian Divine Alt Rock Soloing ~ Mike Durham
Organ: Country Rock Guitar Solo, Pop Ba ~ Gene Rabbai
Enya & Sirius Warm Pads & Strings hybrid mix
Drums: Nashville Radio Power Bal Solo ~ Miles McPherson
Bass Guitar: Bricks Indie Rock w Guitar Solo ~ Tobin Frank
Tin Whistle: Tin Whistle Light Folk Pop ~ Geoffrey Kelly
Tenor Saxophone: Slow Country Pop w/ Tenor Solo ~ Mark Douthit
3rd rhythm guitar: Country Rock Guitar Solo, Pop Ba ~ Darin Favorite
4th rhythm guitar: Centaur Gtr Solo Hard Rock Bal ~ Darin Favorite
5th & 6th rhythm guitars: Nashville Radio Power Bal Solo ~ Danny Rader
Dizi Flute: Silk Smooth World Groove ~ Charlie Lui
Posted By: BabuMusic Re: Zuzu - 04/28/24 01:09 PM
Chay, I am really diggin' this word of magicial music you are creating. I don't understand how you are making the imags for your video, but there's no doubt it takes large amounts of creative effort. The changes are fun, and that sax solo was very well done. Sounds like the same guy also playing the tin whistle, or they at least learned to the same teacher. Very well crafted all around.
Posted By: WaoBand Re: Zuzu - 04/28/24 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by BabuMusic
Chay, I am really diggin' this word of magicial music you are creating. I don't understand how you are making the imags for your video, but there's no doubt it takes large amounts of creative effort. The changes are fun, and that sax solo was very well done. Sounds like the same guy also playing the tin whistle, or they at least learned to the same teacher. Very well crafted all around.

Thanks, Marty! Re the images, depending on the scene they can take anything from a few hours to well over a week to put together. One of the big difficulties is that when one is composing a scene there are no shadows and colours look different to when it's finally rendered, plus as all surfaces are virtual there are places where 2 surfaces fuse into each other, which can't be seen until a full scale render is made. The viewport I build in is actually quite tiny, while my full scale UHD renders are mostly 4000 x 2,500 pixels (10 million pixels total) and the rendering image is so big it doesn't even fit a large monitor, but that makes it easy to see discrepancies, so the renders are often stopped part way through so errors can be corrected and sometimes that can go on for hours. A really basic image can complete in just a few minutes, but the more details and textures there are can make a single render take oodles of hours. There are 2 different render engines I use and the record longest time for a render using the fastest one is 1 day 4 hours 24 minutes 45 seconds! The record for the other engine is way worse at 41 hours, but that didn't even complete as I had to switch my laptop off in case it overheated! I use 4,000 x 2,500 pixels as I print my best images, that ratio being 8:5 as it's the closest I can get to the golden ratio in even figures, so I don't often do 16:9 which is what YT prefers. In the above video the 1st cyberpunk Zuzu image is complete and was made for print, but the following cropped images were never finalised as they weren't for print, so in that 1st image the flower stands are gold, there are plants either side of the water fountain on the right, and the table is different to in the cropped images, plus the chair is shaded (coloured) differently. In the cropped images the stands are white and there are no plants either side of the water fountain. Like composing in BiaB it's really hard work, but it's a joy at the same time.
Posted By: rsdean Re: Zuzu - 04/28/24 03:17 PM

You put together some incredibly epic music. Love the production on this piece.

Keep making this great music.

Posted By: DC Ron Re: Zuzu - 04/28/24 07:15 PM
Chay, really appreciate the unique musical and virtual universe you've created. It's really not like anything else we're seeing/hearing around here, or maybe anywhere, and it's a blast. This is a real snappy tune with your usual expert instrument choices and mix. It sounds GREAT!
Posted By: Janice & Bud Re: Zuzu - 04/28/24 08:29 PM
Wow ... a dozen tracks yet it has an open airy feel (our favorite).
The sign of a good mix in our book.

Great use of the RT's and in particular the solos.
Sounds like a well honed studio group.

Enjoyed the vid also and your response to Marty on the contruction of it was very interesting.

Well done!

Posted By: MarioD Re: Zuzu - 04/29/24 11:15 PM
Chay, this sounds great.
That tin whistle sounds great as was the flute.
The sax was OK but I liked the others a lot better; just my opinion
Super backing band.
Posted By: WaoBand Re: Zuzu - 04/30/24 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by rsdean

You put together some incredibly epic music. Love the production on this piece.

Keep making this great music.


Thanks for that, Bob! I shall obey your command. laugh
Posted By: WaoBand Re: Zuzu - 04/30/24 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by DC Ron
Chay, really appreciate the unique musical and virtual universe you've created. It's really not like anything else we're seeing/hearing around here, or maybe anywhere, and it's a blast. This is a real snappy tune with your usual expert instrument choices and mix. It sounds GREAT!

Thanks for listening and commenting, Ron! I'll try to stay original, but I always feel close to running out of ideas!
Posted By: WaoBand Re: Zuzu - 04/30/24 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Janice & Bud
Wow ... a dozen tracks yet it has an open airy feel (our favorite).
The sign of a good mix in our book.

Great use of the RT's and in particular the solos.
Sounds like a well honed studio group.

Enjoyed the vid also and your response to Marty on the contruction of it was very interesting.

Well done!


Thanks for the great response J&B! I only wish I had a band line-up like these session guys, then I could say "Don't do this, do that! Don't repeat that phrase, try something different." laugh But they's probably rebel and defect to you guys! laugh
Posted By: WaoBand Re: Zuzu - 04/30/24 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by MarioD
Chay, this sounds great.
That tin whistle sounds great as was the flute.
The sax was OK but I liked the others a lot better; just my opinion
Super backing band.

Thanks Mario, I agree. I particularly like that transition in the final 1/3 from dizi flute back to tin whistle as the latter gives it that needed boost to finalise the peice, plus it ends as it began.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Zuzu - 05/01/24 07:56 AM
Hi Chay.

You have a great knack for creating excellent arrangements, fine mixes as first-class productions.
I thoroughly enjoyed the audio-visual journey you took me on.
As J&B have mentioned, you had such a lot of instruments to work with, but at no time did the arrangement sound cluttered.
That's an amazing accomplishment!

I really enjoyed your work 🤓
Posted By: rayc Re: Zuzu - 05/01/24 08:55 AM
It takes a whole lot of processing to do those images. The melody really sounds ready for words.
I liked everything but the sax solo - it seemed out of place to my ears.
Cool stuff.
Posted By: floyd jane Re: Zuzu - 05/01/24 03:17 PM
A pleasant listen. Flows well.

Posted By: Torrey Bliss Re: Zuzu - 05/01/24 06:02 PM

You have incorporated many sounds into this fine production that all seem to flow seamlessly together without interfering with each other! I especially like the use of the whistle and flute sounds! Nice video production!

Thanks, TB
Posted By: WaoBand Re: Zuzu - 05/03/24 01:24 PM
Many thanks, Noel, Ray, Floyd and Torrey for listening and for your positive comments. My next post will be the sequel, "Zuzu Two Too", which has the same rhythm section with only one channel swap in it, but with 3 much more rocky solo instruments used which make the whole piece sound very different. I'll be interested to know which version most prefer.
Posted By: BlueAttitude Re: Zuzu - 05/03/24 01:48 PM
Cool piece of music!

The whistle and the flute are my favorite parts, along with the B3 of course wink

Nice job of the video too!
Posted By: Elliott Kayne Re: Zuzu - 05/04/24 12:06 AM
Nice instrumental, it's amazing what BIAB could do in the hands of someone like you.
I like the pan flute sound in the beginning and then the sax solo. Nice melody
Posted By: David Snyder Re: Zuzu - 05/04/24 12:10 AM
Yes, this is a really nice piece of thematic backing music. Nice mix.

I can almost hear it playing in some hit TV show from back in the day.

Posted By: dcuny Re: Zuzu - 05/04/24 05:40 AM
Hi, Chay.

Pleasant listen, well mixed.

I assume you're using Poser for your renders?
Posted By: WaoBand Re: Zuzu - 05/04/24 03:49 PM
Thanks very much for your great feedback, Dave BA, Elliot, David S & David C. Much appreciated.

David C: No, it's not Poser, though I have some ancient Poser assets. I use Daz Studio, though due to lack of space on my laptop which I use purely for 3D modelling my character morphs are now 3 generations behind what's now available. I've even had to uninstall over 1/3 of my assets due to lack of space. When Daz started out it introduced the 3Delight render engine, also called 3DL, but once they also included NVIDIA Iray content, designers started to bit by bit design only for the latter, which is a shame as it's a lot harder to see exactly what one is building until its rendered, plus renders take a lot longer. Iray is supposed to allow one to create 'photo-real' images, which is an exaggerated claim as depending on the lighting and other factors both engines are as good. In the above video the initial cyberpunk Zuzu images and 3 of the 6 'agent' ones were built and rendered using Iray, the rest are 3DL, but most people wouldn't be able to tell the which is which.
Posted By: Scott C Re: Zuzu - 05/06/24 05:19 PM
Excellent tune. Very cool melodies throughout the song. Video imagery was first class. Well done.
Posted By: WaoBand Re: Zuzu - 05/09/24 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by Scott C
Excellent tune. Very cool melodies throughout the song. Video imagery was first class. Well done.

Thanks, Scott. Much appreciated!
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