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Posted By: mrgeeze Lead Sheet.... Frustrations [Resolved] - 02/20/24 03:37 PM
Trying to make a simple leadsheet to follow a set of changes. Cadence practice on bass.

I'm most of the way there but don't seem to be able to get rid of two things

If you look at the attached screen shot my objectives are.

1. Get rid of the first 2 lines of the lead sheet (the ones with the staffs/clefs). I don't want/needthem.
2. Lead sheet is duplicating each line...
Wonder if the 2 things are linked.

I believe I've tried most everything in the 2 drop down option windows but I'm clearly missing something.

Its 100 bars of changes and I'm trying to squish it on a single page pdf. I could use the real estate these two items

Thanks in advance.

btw, I've crashed the program a couple of times and get long spinning "hourglass" (or whatever it is in mac world) working on this part of the arrangement. Happy to have the auto-recover feature recently implemented..... Don't know if this crashing is isolated or something already observed.

Attached picture Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 8.27.14 AM.png
Posted By: Andrew - PG Music Re: Lead Sheet.... Frustrations - 02/20/24 06:06 PM
The line duplication is very strange. Can you please send us that song file ( and reference this forum thread?
Posted By: Andrew - PG Music Re: Lead Sheet.... Frustrations - 02/22/24 04:48 AM
In your screenshot it seems to be showing you two tracks even though you just have one selected, I'm not sure why. Try selecting the Melody track in the drop-down menu (instead of Bass), and/or click on the + button and select Remote Extras. Also, you could go into the Leadsheet options dialog and click Restore defaults. That would likely take care of the overlapping text areas.

Here is what the leadsheet looks like in my testing (see attached)

Attached File
leadsheet.png  (9 downloads)
Posted By: mrgeeze Re: Lead Sheet.... Frustrations - 02/22/24 01:40 PM
Yours certainly looks a lot more useful than mine.
I did as you suggested and it made some difference.

I also changed bars per line to 4 (vice 8) and that smoothed things up a bit also.
When I went back to 8 the doubling behavior was gone.
A semi-reset to default if you will

I rarely make a sheet from an arrangement.
This piece is an exercise I expect to be working on for awhile.
I reckon in a few days I'll have it mostly memorized

One item you might point me toward fixing. The measure/part marker steps all over the chord change in the particular measure they both appear. Is there away I can adjust the part marker location (mostly up/down.

Thanks for the useful info.

Posted By: Andrew - PG Music Re: Lead Sheet.... Frustrations - 02/22/24 05:54 PM
There is a setting in the Print options dialog.

"#Bar numbers below by" Set to 1 (closest to the staff) and close the dialog. If you don't want to display part markers at all you would need to set "display bar numbers" to none.

You could also reduce the number of staves per page in the Leadsheet options dialog. I set it to 10 staves per page at a font size of 160% and it appears fine.

Attached picture leadsheet2.png
Posted By: mrgeeze Re: Lead Sheet.... Frustrations - 02/23/24 02:58 PM
Seems like I’m working near the edge of the designer.
Cramming 96 measures on a single page is a lot to ask.
The results are good enough for study sake.

Thanks, for your help.
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