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Posted By: ChrisFR Audition of Styles problem on Mac [Resolved] - 01/04/24 10:19 AM

Possibly a case of user incompetence but I am having issues with auditioning styles. I upgraded to Ultra Pak a week ago. Most things working but if I try to click on the audition button for a style, I get a little yellow popup saying that BIAB is auditioning the required file, with the correct path but nothing else happens, no sound and no movement of the progress bar. I have tested that the samples play normally with the Music app, and I have checked the permissions. If I audition the demo song then that works fine.

The only complexity in my installation is that I installed the Real tracks on a removable device and set the search directory accordingly in BIAB, as I say, it is finding the files.

Any ideas or guidance on this would be appreciated. I have searched the forum but not found a solution to my problem.

My set up up is

Macbook Air (M1)
Sonoma 14.1.1
BIAB 2023 (707)
Posted By: ChrisFR Re: Audition of Styles problem on Mac - 01/04/24 12:58 PM
Ok, sorted it. It turns out that BIAB does not like to work with a Journaled, Case Sensitive File system, which is what I had on the disk I was loading the real tracks from. I tried using a second disk which was Journaled but not Case Sensitive and this all functions. Not sure of the logic there, but hey ho, happy it works.
Posted By: paxon Re: Audition of Styles problem on Mac - 01/06/24 06:15 AM
Are you using m1 with 8GB RAM?
Posted By: ChrisFR Re: Audition of Styles problem on Mac - 01/06/24 11:24 AM
Apple M1 with 16Gb. All working now with the non-case sensitive file system, I am assuming it is that as that is the only think I have changed.
Posted By: paxon Re: Audition of Styles problem on Mac - 01/07/24 09:59 AM
Thank you for answer
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