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Posted By: pghboemike macOS Sonoma Guidance [Resolved] - 08/18/23 02:09 AM
Since we’re weeks away from macOS Sonoma what is pg music’s guidance on compatibility for biab 2023

When can we upgrade
Posted By: musocity Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 08/18/23 02:35 AM
It might work without issue, it might need another reprogrammed version that may take a few days to do or a few weeks or few months or 6 months ??
Your Windows 10 version should still keep working long after upgrade 101.
Posted By: PeterGannon Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 08/18/23 02:50 AM
We are testing BiaB 2023 with Sonoma now, and expect to have full compatibility by the time of Sonoma release (Sept/October).
Posted By: Janice & Bud Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 09/06/23 03:40 PM
Originally Posted By: PeterGannon
We are testing BiaB 2023 with Sonoma now, and expect to have full compatibility by the time of Sonoma release (Sept/October).

Meaning BiaB will be ready months before many of the largest plug in companies. One of which took seven months to announce Ventura compatibility.

We appreciate what you folks do!

Posted By: PeterGannon Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 09/06/23 08:36 PM
re: Sonoma

Currently only minor issues found, and we will release a free 2023 patch (707) soon to cover that. Main issue to be fixed is a message about fonts not found when visiting notation window.
Posted By: Joe Muscara Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 09/27/23 09:14 AM
I'm still on BIAB 2021. After reading this thread, I tried opening the Notation window while running BIAB on a test volume with Sonoma. That caused a message to appear that said something like, "the developer needs to update this application for compatibility with this version of macOS" (I should have taken a screenshot for exact wording). Then BIAB "unexpectedly quit" (crashed!).

I usually only upgrade BIAB every few years so I wasn't planning on getting 2023. I think I know the answer to this, but is there any chance that previous versions of BIAB could get this fix for Sonoma as well?

I do have another Mac that can't be upgraded to Sonoma so I can run it there if I need to. I don't always use the Notation window so 2021 might be useable for me on my primary Mac which will run Sonoma full-time eventually.
Posted By: Janice & Bud Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 09/28/23 10:36 PM
Originally Posted By: PeterGannon
re: Sonoma

Currently only minor issues found, and we will release a free 2023 patch (707) soon to cover that. Main issue to be fixed is a message about fonts not found when visiting notation window.

Thanks for the update re 707. That is great! As I’ve mentioned it will likely be well into the new year before some plug-in companies are declared Sonoma compatible. So congrats PG Music.

Posted By: coder Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 09/29/23 08:20 PM
I am running the windows version myself, which works fine...but a friend of mine just upgraded to the 2023 from 2022 (Mac), He still gets an error message " this os version is not supported..." if he presses any key except play and stop. When is 707 getitng posted?

His problem sounds like something that PGMusic is unaware of?
Posted By: musocity Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 09/29/23 11:59 PM
These old ones even all work on all Windows versions and updates 11/10/8/7 (32 or 64-bit)
All my apples are piled up in the garage corner as there were too many issues with app compatibility with constant updates it drove me crazy, it's a shame as I really loved using the OS.

Attached picture BB07-16.png
Posted By: dr_t Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 09/30/23 01:46 PM
Notation view is not compatible with MacOS 14 (Sonoma).. Any attempt to go to the notation view is met with an immediate application crash and the message "This version of “Band-in-a-Box” is not compatible with macOS 14 or later and needs to be updated".
Hope a fix will come for this read soon. Please!
Posted By: musocity Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 09/30/23 06:50 PM
Why can't apple spend time designing it so apps just keep working across updates and versions ? rather than releasing new updates and upgrades every 5mins with a new prettier interface and being able to connect to your TV or car.
This is 2007 32bit and 2023 64bit, there is no aggravation and stress waiting for this week's compatibility fix as things just keep working:

Attached picture BB07-23.png
Posted By: Janice & Bud Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 10/02/23 04:12 PM
I have no issues with Apple having moved to them 12 years ago and am currently on a Mac mini M2 Pro. As far as annual OS updates go I simply do not upgrade to until BiaB and all my plug-ins are deemed compatible - all the interim security updates are seamless. This has worked for me through 12 major updates.

And BiaB is, in my experience, always compatible with new OS releases significantly earlier than the vast majority of plug-in companies.

BTW and perhaps off topic I love Logic Pro X and its $199 for life costs including endless fx, loops, sounds, amps and more. Ok, I admit to happily living in an Apple cloistered world smile with Apple TV, a HomePod, two iPhones, iPad, two Mac’s, Apple Watch, AirPods and more. I’m an advanced septuagenarian but Janice and I love the Apple products and the "surrounded by music ease" in the home and vehicles they offer.

FWIW, YMMV, boatloads of salt, etc.

Posted By: Thoralf Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 10/05/23 03:12 AM
With the update on Sonoma, BIAB regularly crashes unexpectedly. In any case, for some functions (e.g. printing songsheet).
Before the crash, a message sometimes appears that the developers need to update the software for Apple. I then specifically bought an update from BIAB (from 2022 to 2023) - the same problem!

Attached picture Fehlerbericht_für_Band-in-a-Box.png
Posted By: aptfx Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 10/15/23 06:21 PM
I did work on a new song and for the first time wanted to try the playable real drums... bummer those need the notation window and this still crashes BIAB. Is there any idea when 707 (or "the fix") will be out?
Posted By: musocity Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 10/15/23 07:57 PM
Is the Piano Roll crashing also ? as you can use that for playable RT/RDs
Posted By: piotre Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 10/31/23 08:29 AM
Last week, after a long time, I tried again to work with the notation window of my BIAB 2000 for mac on my current Macbook with Sonoma 14.0. The well-known problems arose. Since pgmusic cannot yet offer a suitable upgrade, I called Apple. The solution would be to downgrade to an older operating system. Therefore my question: Does anyone know whether all the functions of Biab 2000 were still possible with Ventura?
Posted By: Mike Halloran Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 10/31/23 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by piotre
Last week, after a long time, I tried again to work with the notation window of my BIAB 2000 for mac on my current Macbook with Sonoma 14.0. The well-known problems arose. Since pgmusic cannot yet offer a suitable upgrade, I called Apple. The solution would be to downgrade to an older operating system. Therefore my question: Does anyone know whether all the functions of Biab 2000 were still possible with Ventura?
Not going backwards to find out but it would surprise me if it was wholly compatible.

Downgrading Sonoma to Ventura is complicated but doable. Because of the way the macOS is sandboxed now, downgrading to Monterey nor earlier is a total PIA and may require a second Mac on the network running Apple (my 2012 MacBook Pro worked fine when I did it). In any case, you want Apple Support to hold your hand on this.
Posted By: musocity Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 10/31/23 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by piotre
I called Apple. ..
Next time you are talking to them ask them to put some of their billions into app compatibility rather than a new OS or chip set each week, PG (and so many others) don't have billions of dollars but are always running behind apple spending so much time on a regular basis fixing things to work on this week's apple.
Posted By: Andrew - PG Music Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 11/03/23 12:04 AM
Here is build 707 patch, which fixes the notation window issues on Sonoma:
Posted By: Mike Halloran Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 11/03/23 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by musocity
Originally Posted by piotre
I called Apple. ..
Next time you are talking to them ask them to put some of their billions into app compatibility rather than a new OS or chip set each week, PG (and so many others) don't have billions of dollars but are always running behind apple spending so much time on a regular basis fixing things to work on this week's apple.

We get that you don't like the MacOS, don't understand the MacOS and haven't used the MacOS since it went to 64 bit five years ago. We really, really, really get it because you never, ever shut up about it.

Isn't there some AOL chat board where you can go on and on and on and on banging your drums about Windows and Reaper and Reaper and Reaper and Windows and how much you dislike what Apple has done? Huh?

This little section is for Mac Users. Please stop.
Posted By: musocity Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 11/04/23 09:15 PM
If it encourages users to speak up and not be railroaded by apple then it serves a purpose. M1 M2 M3 but apps don't work, why not fix the app compatibility issue ? that's what uses use Mac for, to run apps ! this is a regular thing, companies running behind apple to fix this weeks app compatibility issues.
It's the same deal with PG products, I have been outspoken for over a decade about issues and come up with ways and ideas to implement to vastly improve it that you yourself now use. If there are issues speak up, don't follow like a sheep cult and take what you get, by doing this you are enabling this behavior.
I have seen this time and time again where the very ones that criticize me I see later recommending some function in Biab to others that I suggested and showed ways of implementing it. So what is the end result of me nagging ?
Like Playable RealTracks I posted all this info and demos in that horrible windows Reaper to show them working, then when it's finally implemented years later a long term users said "Wow PG we didn't know that was possible to do", give me a fricken break !
I use Reaper as an example of this as I can script things in it to show how Biab CAN work not to say Reaper is better than Biab "get rid of Biab guys", if you can't SEE that then there is something chronically wrong.
If you are not serving any purpose in making things better then you certainly should not be criticizing me.
I think what I will do is make a list of all functions and features that have been implemented over the many years from me suggesting and showing ways to implement them, then users that hate what I do can avoid these in Biab through spite.
Ask yourself, don't wait to have a near death experience to get wisdom and understanding ! go to apple now and speak up, don't take the crap.

Originally Posted by musocity
These are the original solo sections from a Biab track.
Any section I can extend or shorten the original playing.
If you watch the video where you have the gaps you can manually merge so there's no stop, you can't do that with a consolidated wav or in Biab now how it is:
Originally Posted by PeterGannon
>MusoCity: If you could do the same in Biab/RealBand/Plugin as I can do in Reaper with the track sections it will further improve Biab to allow for more creativity control

Agreed, and this is something planned for BB2024 (and BiaB plug-in w/DAWS like Reaper that support these track sections). This will open up lots of additional options when customizing solos and other tracks.
give me a fricken break !
Posted By: PDB Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 11/05/23 06:37 PM
I just installed the update to 707 that Andrew posted. The lead sheet shows fine on the screen but in Preview it's garbage and prints as such. Can this get fixed?
Posted By: Andrew - PG Music Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 11/06/23 04:15 AM

Originally Posted by PDB
I just installed the update to 707 that Andrew posted. The lead sheet shows fine on the screen but in Preview it's garbage and prints as such. Can this get fixed?

I can't seem to duplicate this - could you please post a screenshot? This is the PDF preview that you are talking about?

And just to confirm, you are on Sonoma?
Posted By: PDB Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 11/06/23 08:08 PM
Yes, I'm on Sonoma. When I hit print, I check on Preview to make sure it's what I want. But I get the same print result whether I check or not. I can't seem to attach my screen shot because it is too big. Is there another way to get it to you?
Posted By: Andrew - PG Music Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 11/06/23 10:38 PM
Try again now...
Posted By: PDB Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 11/07/23 08:16 AM
I think I have attached the screenshot.

Attached picture Screenshot 2023-11-06 at 11.55.15 AM.png
Posted By: CityOfMozart Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 11/07/23 08:08 PM
I have upgraded from 2022 to 2023 and installed the update 707, and have exactly the same problem! Printing result is the same.
Posted By: Andrew - PG Music Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 11/07/23 11:12 PM
Thanks for posting the screenshot. In the notation window options, if you select "Regular Fonts" instead of "Jazz Fonts" and then view the PDF, does the same issue occur?
Posted By: PDB Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 11/08/23 01:18 AM
Yes, that allows unmessed up printing. I would like to use the other fonts, though. Thanks for figuring this out.
Posted By: Andrew - PG Music Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 11/08/23 01:27 AM
Can you check your system settings and see if there is an OS update to Sonoma 14.1.1 available? This might fix the problem.
Posted By: PDB Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 11/08/23 10:24 PM
Yes. There was an update to 14.1.1. I am now able to use all the fonts, etc.

I had turned off the auto updates after updating to Sonoma caused me the problems. Do you have a suggestion as to auto updates vis a vis BIAB?
Posted By: Andrew - PG Music Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 11/08/23 10:51 PM

As for Band-in-a-Box, by default it will let you know if there is an update available (or go to "Help menu | Check for Updates"), but you do need to click [download] to get the patch and install it.
Posted By: CityOfMozart Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 11/13/23 07:31 PM
The Sonoma update fixed the problem!
Many thanks!
Posted By: ecnyg Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 02/15/24 08:35 AM
What about BIAB2021 users with low budget. Do we have to buy 2023 to resolve this problem? Is there any patch or solution for us?
Posted By: musocity Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 02/15/24 09:50 PM
If PG get BiabWin working on good on Wine then you would not have these issues, not matter what Mac version you use or update to it will just keep working. You will also get the latest version and not have to wait 6 months for it to be translated to mac.
When I tried it under Linux there are only a few issues that need fixing to work well on Wine, it was as fast as Win or faster.
The main issue was it needed Windows Media Player to play the wma demos and this didn't work under Wine.
You can use Parallels Desktop but then you need to buy it as well as Windows.
Posted By: Mike Halloran Re: macOS Sonoma Guidance - 02/21/24 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by ecnyg
What about BIAB2021 users with low budget. Do we have to buy 2023 to resolve this problem? Is there any patch or solution for us?

Unfortunately, the answer is No.

You can either a) upgrade to BIAB 2023, b) wait and upgrade to BIAB 2024 (not yet announced but 2024 for Windows has shipped) or c) revert to Ventura until 2024 is ready — best to have Apple walk you through this over the phone.
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