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Posted By: jcspro40 OK, I will toss my 2 cents in....... - 04/22/23 01:21 AM
There have been a LOT of GREAT suggestions for the usability of RB......really, and I agree with 50 to 80% of them ....but...

Real Band needs a face lift SO bad it is really........bad. I have tried RB since DAY ONE and the graphics layout is just so unfreandly when you are in the heat of working I don't use it.....and this is just MY opioun, if others can use it fine, just like Reaper.....I have a love - hate relationship with that also......

PLEASE look at some other DAW's and take some hints.......please.....

Thank You from a long time PG Music user. cool
So if I'm understanding correctly, windows like the tracks window should have an overall darker look like the toolbars in RB have. Is that what you mean? Regardless of the color of the tracks window, the right side looks less cluttered when the vertical grid lines are disabled, even though the grid lines make it easier to cut/paste, etc. Thanks,
Posted By: rharv Re: OK, I will toss my 2 cents in....... - 05/03/23 08:02 PM
Is there a way to control Grid Line opacity?
They are pretty intrusive visually currently. Ideally user preference if possible.
Just spitballin' here..
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