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Posted By: stratos DXplug64.exe problem in RB - 03/14/24 01:35 PM
Suddenly problem running DXplug64.exe when launcing lexicon reverb and all the other effects.
I have windows 10 and can still run DX32 but lexicon needs 64
I´ve changed Asio driver settings, put RB back to factory setting and made reboot ...

Does anybody have the same problem
Posted By: rharv Re: DXplug64.exe problem in RB - 03/14/24 10:41 PM
I have never had a 64bit DX plugin work in RB natively.
I am pretty sure DX is only 32 bit in RB .. I lost a decent tuning plugin due to this..
Doesn't Lexicon have VST versions? They would have a much better chance of success.

Also, was JBridge involved previously? Could that be part of the problem/solution?
Just spitballing here ..
Posted By: Jeff Yankauer Re: DXplug64.exe problem in RB - 03/15/24 07:03 AM
The PG plugins like PG Reverb are 64-bit DX (not VST) and should work with DXPlug64.exe
Posted By: stratos Re: DXplug64.exe problem in RB - 03/15/24 01:41 PM
Jeff: The menu doesn’t open like it does in the 32 . I just get this error message. So no PG reverb either.
Posted By: Jeff Yankauer Re: DXplug64.exe problem in RB - 03/15/24 07:17 PM
So the dialog doesn't even launch? What error message? Screenshot? Thanks.
Posted By: stratos Re: DXplug64.exe problem in RB - 03/18/24 09:07 PM
Hi Jeff. Thanks for answering . It starts getting into the processing window VERY short, it disappears and then I get this message:
[Linked Image]

Attached File
prtscr.png  (185 downloads)
Posted By: stratos Re: DXplug64.exe problem in RB - 03/21/24 05:42 PM
I reinstalled everything. Didn´t help.
I don´t know how to get on.
Posted By: Jeff Yankauer Re: DXplug64.exe problem in RB - 03/21/24 06:30 PM
What version of RB are you running?
Posted By: stratos Re: DXplug64.exe problem in RB - 03/22/24 12:53 PM
Hi Jeff
The very latest version. I have solved it yesterday.
I copy from BB thread (to Noel):
...... I went to Microsoft web page and downloaded" DXwebsetup".
I then tried to put the DXplug64. exe into the RB library and renamed the oldest so they couldnt get called.
At first it didnt help, but after lot of reload of BB and RB it suddenly worked again.
I felt I had just solved it by doing things I dont even where aware of.
Posted By: stratos Re: DXplug64.exe problem in RB - 06/10/24 10:42 AM
Now Im back to the same problem again unfortunately.
Any help are appreciated !

Originally Posted by stratos
Suddenly problem running DXplug64.exe when launcing lexicon reverb and all the other effects.
I have windows 10 and can still run DX32 but lexicon needs 64
I´ve changed Asio driver settings, put RB back to factory setting and made reboot ...

Does anybody have the same problem
Posted By: justanoldmuso Re: DXplug64.exe problem in RB - 06/10/24 12:01 PM

note...what follows might not help and are just shots in the dark...
and just some things to ponder. much memory does your pc have ??
...with 64 bit plugins i understand plugin developers have a larger memory space that can be addressed...which brings me to ask...
...useing a utility do you have a handle on amount of memory and cpu resources used on your pc solely by the lexicon plug in ??
one thing ive found out over the years useing fancy reverb plugins instead of the pg dx fx is that often they use lots of pc resources compared to pg native dx. which is why i largely use pg dx fx as they are resource efficient.
also ive developed little tricks useing different combos of the pg plugins to get the desired result. in summary ...yes the fancy big studio plugins can be wonderfull...but the downside is they can consume ooodles of pc resources.
if you doubt me use a daw that monitors plugin resource useage like reaper. just load up the plugin in say reaper and reaps will give you indication of resource useage. another way is what i do on my new mini comes with a utility that monitors pc resources.
thus i view it before and after i use the plugin and see if the new plugin im testing might use up too much resources .
...are you on the net when doing music production and/or have lots of other non music apps running in the background consuming lots of resources ?? any windows updates ??

personally i use just pg dx fx plugins.
fyi as an experiment i decided to use only pg dx plugin fx in all the songs in my sig. and had thankfully lots of nice comments from 'normal music consumers'...thus confirming to me one can do songs useing only pg fx plugins and chaining of plug in tricks.
for example in rb what i do often is useing rb duplicate track feature i might have two or more tracks with different pg fx settings.
lots of

as i said just shots in the dark.

ps...dunno if this might help diagnose re dx.
in windows search dxdiag.exe a win should report any dx probs.


om 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇬🇧🇬🇧
Posted By: stratos Re: DXplug64.exe problem in RB - 06/10/24 06:00 PM
Thanks Muso
It has been working, and suddenly stopped, but
I´ll try what you suggested :-)
I tried the dxdiag.exe search, but it said it didn´t need update
Posted By: justanoldmuso Re: DXplug64.exe problem in RB - 06/11/24 10:38 AM

some questions... there a trial of the lexi verbs ? so i can try it out here with rb ?? and report back ?? we used to use the outboard lexi outboard hardware in studios. not knocking lexi verbs but there are a ton of great even free verbs out there if you google something like...'best free low cpu reverb windows plugin' eg im just reading about convology xt with nearly 3000 settlngs...boggles my mind. even shows a pic of lexi verb graphic. . there are loads of good free verbs if you google.
what i do is run tests as to pc resource useage before i use any verb in production. ..a big challenge with verbs is finding good ones that dont consume lots of cpu....which is why ive developed various tricks useing the pg verb and echo chorus low resource useage dx plugins.stratos try experimenting with useing both together and their settings on same or different tracks.
also what i do is duplicate the track and then put pg verb on one track and pg echo chorus on the other and blend settings till i get what i want.
3...did you actually run dxdiag ?? if all ok it reports 'no problem' .
its a tabbed it reports no problem.
4....only jeff y can comment on this but in the rb folder is a text file starting with p and a carat. What is it jeff ?? it displays info here just curious.

ps how much memory does your pc have ??


om 🇨🇦🇨🇦 🇬🇧🇬🇧
Posted By: stratos Re: DXplug64.exe problem in RB - 06/11/24 12:42 PM
Yes I did run the test. No problems an up to date.
What I found about my PC, (dont know if thats CPU:
16 GB ram
1000 Gb(ssd)
Posted By: justanoldmuso Re: DXplug64.exe problem in RB - 06/11/24 03:33 PM
cpu is in ghz. model number of your processor might be usefull too. might be usefull to post a pic of win task manager ...performance tab please.

also as i said a link to a trial of lexi that doesnt require my personal details please.

please also give me the year/version of your lexi plugin so i can look up system requirements to run it.
cos there are various versions it seems of lexi.

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