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Posted By: MountainSide Adding Lyrics to MIDI files - 01/03/24 04:19 PM
I have some downloaded MIDI files, not RAR files. Would like to add lyrics to these MIDI files in RB. It looks like I could copy and paste lyrics from the internet using the EVENT list, but this only allows about one lyric line per the designated time slot.

Is there a way to paste the entire lyrics from a song into RB? I don't need time or measure-based lyrics. I just want to paste all of the lyrics into the file.

I could probably use the COMMENTS section and paste them there and then have the comments open when the file is loaded.

Anybody have a better idea?


Posted By: Noel96 Re: Adding Lyrics to MIDI files - 01/03/24 06:10 PM
Hi Jeff,

If the MIDI files have melody, it would be possible to enter lyrics syllable syllable. I'm guessing that it would also be possible to enter lyrics bar by bar by selecting a melody note within the bar and then pasting that bar's worth of lyrics on that note. If a bar's lyrics contain too many for a single note, then they could be split between two or three notes in the bar. Any lyrics that are attached to notes will appear in the Big Lyrics window and will then scroll through as the song plays.

Other than using the Comments window as you mentioned, that's all I can see. (I rarely use lyrics in RB, though, so maybe someone with more experience will have other ideas.)

Posted By: MountainSide Re: Adding Lyrics to MIDI files - 01/04/24 03:04 PM
Thanks Noel, do appreciate you chiming in on this. I guess by nature I'm a lazy person and the thought on entering lyrics bar by bar or by syllable just isn't for me nor do I need for them to be that exact. Just looking for a quick and dirty method to remind me of the lyrics as the song plays. No need for scrolling or melody based displays. Displaying the whole lyrics at once would do the job.

I guess at this point, the comments section would present the best alternative.

Thanks again,

Posted By: DrDan Re: Adding Lyrics to MIDI files - 01/04/24 04:28 PM
Same for BIAB - I use that to insert the lyrics when needed. No easier way to see them and keep them with the BIAB song.
Posted By: Jeff Yankauer Re: Adding Lyrics to MIDI files - 01/04/24 09:00 PM
The best method is entering note-based lyrics in the Notation Window and these would show up in the Big Lyrics Window.

If you don't want to enter note-based lyrics in the notation window, there's also the ability to add Section Text by right clicking in the notation window - Insert Section Text which would let you enter Section Text that would show up on the notation window. (but not the Big Lyrics Window)

Another different method would be to use the Markers button on the Markers section of the RealBand toolbar that lets you add Markers (another type of text-based event) which will also show up in the Notation Window as well as the Tracks Window. (but not the Big Lyrics Window)

Using the Comments Window would be the easiest method but it won't scroll automatically during playback.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Adding Lyrics to MIDI files - 01/05/24 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by DrDan
Same for BIAB - I use that to insert the lyrics when needed. No easier way to see them and keep them with the BIAB song.
Bar-based lyrics are very quick and easy to add to BIAB. Just use the Lyrics Document window in BIAB or Notepad and put each bar of lyrics on its own line.

[Linked Image]

Unfortunately, this does not seem to be available in RB as I think it would solve Mountainside's problem.


Attached picture bar-based lyrics_adding as text.jpg
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