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Posted By: DFT Opening a file in DAW Plugin. Where's the audio? - 03/06/24 11:51 PM
Am I missing something or is this actually the way it works?

I've massaged some RTs in BIAB that I like. I instantiate DAW plugin in my DAW and from the plugin load the song I was working on. The chords show up but not the previously rendered RTs.

Can't they be loaded into the DAW plugin?

Rerendering essentially makes me have to start anew. I Suppose I could export import the original audio in the event I wanted to subsequently regenerate a part of the audio in the DAW plugin ... but how inefficient.
Ya, it don't work like that. The BIAB-VST does not have connection to the actual audio files that BIAB created over in BIAB. When the song file is opened in the BIAB-VST you will have to generate again and things will be a bit different. But getting those exact audio files from BIAB to your DAW can be done, but with a different workflow. Otherwise, you have to start the project in the BIAB-VST.
Thanks, Doc ...

That was what I was afraid of. That would be a good feature request. Really, there is no way that BIAB doesn't know where those files are and wouldn't be able to communicate that to the DAW Plugin when you open a file in the DAW Plugin.

And yes,thankfully, I do know how to export the individual audio RTs and import into my DAW. It's not a terrible work around since importing the BIAB song file to the DAW Plugin at least gives me the song chords and parts structure.

Please, permit me to ask a further questions. In the DAW Plugin is there a way can I generate just a selection somehow from from the chord sheet in the DAW without having already generated an entire track?
Well Yes and No. There is an option to highlight a selection of bars, then R-Click on an instrument Track and select "Generate Selected Region". But this does not work for me. Good luck.

You can generate a selected region by highlighting a section of the chord sheet and clicking the "Generate" button. That will change the selected region. So if you are working in a DAW you could cut and replace sections after you've dragged them from the plugin.

Originally Posted by Catherine

You can generate a selected region by highlighting a section of the chord sheet and clicking the "Generate" button. That will change the selected region. So if you are working in a DAW you could cut and replace sections after you've dragged them from the plugin.


That will work! Thanks.
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