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To get chords into Reaper from the VST right click the C7 icon at top of chord sheet and set it to output label and block chords (these can be used for virtual instruments), just drag the C7 icon into the very start of Reaper onto an empty track, check Import Markers.
You can convert the Marker to Regions if you like with SWS: Convert markers to regions (
Select a track you want the Chords written to as Take Markers, then run a script
Script: Markers to item takes markers selected track.lua
Script: Regions to item takes markers selected track.lua

To now save this as a track template, menu > Track > Save tracks as track template
In the Save Dialog check "Include track items in template"
this will be a very small text file with item data only.

To Open/Import, menu > Track > Insert tracks from template.

You have Item: Delete all take markers (will delete all selected item's Take Markers)

You can change the color to what you like on 2 lines
reaper.ColorToNative(80, 237, 123 )
red green blue values.
To have the same color as the markers/regions
replace: reaper.ColorToNative(80, 237, 123 )|0x1000000)
with: marker.color)
Also you have:

[Linked Image]

Attached picture VST6-TChord-Take-Markers.png
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