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I believe we need in-depth video tutorial on Microchords, with several real world examples / different case uses & genres.

Thank you for considering.

P.S. There is this video:

It mainly deals with a single genre / style. The request is for something similar that shows in depth use of motifs, rests, etc.
+1 esp. for more detailed information.


One thing's for sure. The drums don't follow the motifs using a swing style in midi.
Another +1
I agree 100% on this one. I just did a search on YouTube and could only find the video by PGMusic. It is just a quick overview and does not go into the depths of this feature. I am surprised that there is only one that I could find in the quick 10 minute search.

PeterF introduced me to them and I was very pleased with the results and would also welcome more info. Thanks.

Me too. The more the merrier.

In addition to the obvious, this new (and great) feature seems to be just scratching the surface of what might be possible in using similar technology to create solos from real instruments.

When I first saw this the first thing I did was to play a scale of three or maybe four octaves the same way you would record a user track of chords or comping.

And then I gave different chord names in that key to each note. Using those notes by way of those micro chords I was able to write solos.

I fully realize this is like Frankenstein's monster, but by using this idea I found I was able to generate a passable jazz guitar solo using the notes of scales I recorded in user track format.

I passed this idea on because I think something can be done with it in the future since the technology already clearly exists with the micro chords.

I think the Holy Grail will be the day when you can just as easily generate a note for note solo you have written with real instruments the same as you can create chord progressions and backing tracks now. And I'm not talking about playable real tracks because they're still MIDI. I'm talking about using the program to play single audio notes that are superior to midi samples in any existing library.

If you can fill up those spaces in the micro chord boxes with chords it's just a matter of time until you can fill them up with notes using the same technology.

Now, one might ask: why would I do this if I can just sit down and play it?

Because messing around with this stuff is fun and sure beats Netflix.

I can see that this request is continually gaining momentum.

I'm sure that such a learning video will eventuate.
Originally Posted by David Snyder
... In addition to the obvious, this new (and great) feature seems to be just scratching the surface of what might be possible in using similar technology to create solos from real instruments.

When I first saw this the first thing I did was to play a scale of three or maybe four octaves the same way you would record a user track of chords or comping.

And then I gave different chord names in that key to each note. Using those notes by way of those micro chords I was able to write solos.

I fully realize this is like Frankenstein's monster, but by using this idea I found I was able to generate a passable jazz guitar solo using the notes of scales I recorded in user track format.

I passed this idea on because I think something can be done with it in the future since the technology already clearly exists with the micro chords.

David, Thank you for sharing your idea with us.
Please post this idea in the +++ Post your own Tips and Tricks here +++ forum section.
Your suggestion combines two innovative, powerful Band-in-a-Box features, UserTracks and MicroChords. As more people are exposed to the unique features that are only available in Band-in-a-Box , the more people will want to add Band-in-a-Box to their musical toolbox.
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