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Posted By: cchallum BIAB files to play on an IIPAD PRO!!!! - 12/07/22 10:59 PM
How can I get this to happen?
Posted By: mrgeeze Re: BIAB files to play on an IIPAD PRO!!!! - 12/08/22 08:24 PM
PG music some years ago created an ios app that let you play sgu files on your ios device.
Some liked it.
Some thought it was terrible.
I was in the group that found it terrible

It may or may not exist any more. I do not know.

Perhaps if you describe your use case members of the forum can provide some ideas.

For example, If you want to play backing tracks created in biab/daw on an IOS device for performance,I would be happy to tell you how I have done exactly that for the last 4 years.
I don't use BIAB (sgu/mgu) files to do it.
I use both an Ipad and an Iphone.
Info on how to use the iPhone/iPad apps can be found here:

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